Diabetes Awareness Month: D-Quote #11, Success

by Cynthia

November is Diabetes Awareness Month! I am pleased to present you with D-Quote, a Diabetes Light initiative that gives voice to our community and helps provide awareness for this challenging invisible condition. Thank you for reading. I encourage you to pass these meaningful quotes and stories along to increase our advocacy and outreach efforts. All advocacy moves us closer to a cure. Thanks for your help! 🙂

**A special thanks to our community members for taking the time to write and bravely share their stories and experiences to provide diabetes awareness.

‘If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again.’

“Today is my Diaversary.  37 years ago on November 15, 1976 I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.  I didn’t have perfect numbers that day or on any day since. But without fail I have gotten up every day and tried to lead a successful life with diabetes.  I tried yesterday, I will try today, and I will wake up tomorrow and try again.

Maybe success with diabetes is not measured by perfect numbers anyway.  I think that I have figured out a much better way of measuring the success of my life.”

photo-63Laddie Lindahl
Type 1 since 11/15/76
Age 61
Blog:  http://testguessandgo.com

You have just read a D-quote, a Diabetes Light initiative to create awareness and support for November’s Diabetes Awareness month. Please like, comment and share to promote advocacy and awareness for diabetes. Thank you!

*Like/follow us on Facebook at Diabetes Light: My holistic journey to health to read more quotes this month from those living with and affected by diabetes. The quotes are also being shared at http://diabeteslight.com!

In Peace & Light,


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1 comment

November: Diaversary and more | Test Guess and Go November 15, 2013 - 10:51 am

[…] by people with diabetes.  I was honored to be asked by Cynthia to participate in her project and my quote, photo, and definition of success are featured on her blog […]


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