Happy 2 years to Diabetes Light!!

by Cynthia

photo-76Today is a very special day!! Diabetes Light celebrates 2 years! In blog terms this is officially called a blogaversary or blogiversary. But I’m about as big on that term as I am “diaversary” (living with diabetes anniversary) so I’ll just leave it that I’m celebrating my 2 year blog anniversary!

On December 9, 2011 the Facebook page for Diabetes Light was created. Then 7 days later on December 16, 2011 I wrote my first blog post about the benefits of coconut oil. Although I had wanted to start a blog for a long time, to start Diabetes Light right before finals was truly a distraction from my studies. I was enrolled in a nursing program at the time and procrastinating.. Since then I have left the program but Diabetes Light carries on!!

One of the greatest joys of blogging for me is the wonderful Diabetes Light community that has formed on Facebook. Each day I share a quote, things that make me laugh, smile or bring me health. Sometimes just what is on my mind or perhaps something I’m wrestling with. My greatest joy is getting to hear from you and what you are thinking about and experiencing.

We now have 832 members in our Facebook community which is about double the amount we had at this time last year for the one year blog anniversary! I am so pleased our community is growing and look forward to our continued growth in the next year!

My mission remains the same as when I started two years ago. I certainly don’t have things figured out as far as this crazy life with D, but I love sharing about my journey with others in a quest to live well—happy, healthy and with peace regardless of my diagnoses.

The added benefit? This diagnosis has allowed me to meet all of you! This is so incredible to me and one of the definite blessings living with diabetes.

Thank YOU!!!

Mostly I am writing this post today to thank you for joining me on the adventures of this D girl with her dog Jonah. 🙂 Thank you for every like, share, comment and message. They truly mean so much to me and let me know you like the work I am doing through Diabetes Light and I should continue! Yay!

And thank you for reading. I write to help others and spend a lot of time and energy on each article I write so truly appreciate your readership. Your love and support of what I do is fundamental to my success.

This next part may sound super sappy and I truly apologize if it does… But I want you to know you are never alone. I may not have time for as many close friendships as I’d like, but I care about each one of you. And before I go to bed each night and in church each Sunday I say a prayer for our Diabetes Light community. I am always sending you light, love and peace from this little corner of the world in Minnesota. I hope you can feel it, especially on those dark days we all experience from time to time.. <3

Quick Summary of Blog Happenings…

I’d like to share just a little review of what I’ve been up to with Diabetes Light the past year! I was invited to speak three times on behalf of my blog! I love this so much. Although I was nervous, I was also so excited and loved sharing my story. I hope 2014 opens up more opportunities for sharing my passion and how I do my best to live well in body, mind and spirit. Here are a few pics! The first several are me teaching diabetes firsthand to a group of nursing students at a local university.

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Speaking to parents at a childrens diabetes camp - Camp Sweet Life

Speaking to parents at a childrens diabetes camp – Camp Sweet Life

Speaking at a JDRF AWTO (Adults with Type 1) group

Speaking at a JDRF AWTO (Adults with Type 1) group

I also took a blogging position in June with an online healthcare publisher called Diabetic Lifestyle, a subsidiary of Vertical Health. I write articles weekly for my blog, Finding Peace Between the Pokes (find listing of archived articles here). While initially somewhat stressful writing for a larger audience the first few months, I now have gotten over the stage fright – thank goodness! I have article ideas coming out of my ears! I have so many thoughts week to week what to write and share about. I hope it doesn’t stop! Which of course was my initial fear.. How does one write weekly without running out of things to say? Can I keep it up for 52 weeks alone? So far, so good. 🙂 This also means I am contributing less to diabeteslight.com but I try to blog here about once a month.

Lastly, Diabetes Light was also nominated by members of our community for “Rookie of the Year,” through WEGO Health on behalf of their Health Activist Awards. I made it to the finalist category and although I didn’t win, it was an honor to be selected amongst such talented bloggers.

IMG_0977Oh, one last funny thing. I cannot tell you how much my dog Jonah comes up when people talk about my blog. That little guy likes to steal the show! Lol. But I don’t mind. 🙂 I love my boy so much and he brings me so much happiness and smiles. And I’m glad he is able to bring you some of that joy too through his pictures and silly stories.

Who me? (Jonah...)

Who me?!?

Thanks again for reading! You all are truly the best! I appreciate you so much and am thankful for the special and meaningful part you play in my life. Many blessings to you, always. Namaste (the light in me honors and salutes the light in you!).

In Peace & Light,


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