November is Diabetes Awareness Month! I am pleased to present you with D-Quote, a Diabetes Light initiative that gives voice to our community and helps provide awareness for this challenging invisible condition. Thank you for reading. I encourage you to pass these meaningful quotes and stories along to increase our advocacy and outreach efforts. All advocacy moves us closer to a cure. Thanks for your help! 🙂
**A special thanks to our community members for taking the time to write and bravely share their stories and experiences to provide diabetes awareness.
“Diabetes may win a few battles, but you control the outcome of the war.”
-Jaim Zuber
Type 3 (husband to a Type 1) for 6 years
I am married to an incredible man, Jaim Zuber is my spouse. Although not always easy, T3’s (friends, family, partners) of those of us with diabetes have big shoes to fill, helping give us support and strength when diabetes is throwing one of it’s tantrums. That support came in the form of this quote one early day in September this year when we were on vacation on the North Shore.
I was rattling on about my diabetes and the frustrations it was causing me one morning when he shared the above wisdom. I loved it in it’s simplicity and truth. Right then and there I made him write it down, saying it was perfect for D-Quote! 🙂 I love my husband and the support and encouragement he provides– it is a big part of coping with this condition day in and day out. Here is a BIG thanks to all of the T3’s in our lives never forgetting to put a smile on our face when we need it most. I love you sweetie! <3
-Cynthia Zuber
Type 1 for 26 years
You have just read a D-quote, a Diabetes Light initiative to create awareness and support for November’s Diabetes Awareness month. Please like, comment and share to promote advocacy and awareness for diabetes. Thank you!
*Like/follow us on Facebook at Diabetes Light: My holistic journey to health to read more quotes this month from those living with and affected by diabetes. The quotes are also being shared at!
In Peace & Light,