Random facts about me!! (for No D-Day 2012!)

by Cynthia

Today is no D-Day. No talk about the D-word here or on the Facebook page for our Diabetes Light community or in DOC! No D-Day was started by George Simmons of Ninjabetic. Check out his post here – this is where you can also share a link to your post for today. I think this is a terrific idea as our lives are about SO much more than D. I am happy to take part. Thanks George for creating this new and fun way for us to learn a little bit more about each other!

I have decided to share a little bit about myself in the form of a random fact list (inspired by Ginger Vieira – read her GREAT “No D-Day” post here!!)

A little bit about me

  1. I love dark chocolate. I keep several dark chocolate bars in my pantry and many several days of the week eat 1-2 squares. This does a GOOD job of satisfying my sweet tooth. (Dan B. – I know you will appreciate that this is my number one (he is a mutual chocolate lover in DOC & today is his birthday so Happy Birthday Dan)!!.
  2. When my physical therapist is doing bodywork on me and asks me to go to a happy place, I immediately envision myself with my pets. This is a very happy place for me. I have one dog named Jonah and two cats, Mabel and Juniper. On a daily basis, they make me smile and laugh. They make my heart so very happy and full of love and joy. Pets are comforting and I could not love mine any more than I do. I wish these three could live forever, or at least as long as I do.
  3. I wish I could say it was not true, but I might be a little bit of a messy person. There are so many other things I would rather do than pick up and clean my house… Anyone else here with me?
  4. I have not always known how to cook. Prior to getting married I’m not really sure what I ate. Frozen pizza?? I used to really love Jack’s pepperoni & sausage! (now I cannot eat it due to food allergies). After getting married (and diagnosed with food allergies), I was given the opportunity to assist a chef on a weekly basis. It was a volunteer, unpaid position and I did it for about three years. I consider this the reason for my comfort and greater ease in the kitchen now. I am thankful to have had this opportunity as I really love food! I also feel much better when I eat a balanced, organic whole foods diet.
  5. My husband and I are very different. I am a sensitive person who feels everything very deeply and am passionate about many things. He is a software engineer (need I say more?) and has three loves – baseball, beer and music. Although this makes it hard at times, our differences also create a stronger relationship and we balance each other out.
  6. I love music — it comforts my soul. Going to hear live music is a favorite past time of mine! A few of my favorites: Storyhill, Ellis, Low, Mason Jennings, Jewel, Indigo Girls and Nancy Griffith. I’m sure I’m forgetting some too.
  7. I love baking but rarely make/find the time to do so. My baking goes in streaks. I made the most delicious gluten free low sugar (recipe found online) chocolate chip cookies yesterday.  I am craving one right now. When I got up to let my dog out at 6am this morning, I could not resist. I snuck into the kitchen on the way back to the bedroom and ate two…
  8. I loooooove taking pictures. I take many pictures of the food I eat/make, my pets and my life. I share a handful of these each week on the Facebook page for Diabetes Light, this blog and my personal Facebook page too. I won’t even tell you how many pics are on my iPhone right now!
  9. I LOVE being active but do not like detest watching sports on television. Tennis (I was on the team for two years in high school), yoga, long walks, cycling, swimming, lifting weights, frisbee and catch — these are all things I love to do and bring me great pleasure and joy.
  10. I am now in my 30’s a very low maintenance girl. I generally wear no makeup (a special occasion will sometimes prompt me to wear some), I often blow dry my hair with the vents on high while driving where I need to go and my favorite clothes are comfy ones. I only like dressing up if I have to. This is a complete opposite picture of who I was in high school and my early 20’s when I did NOT leave the house without makeup, earrings, my hair curled and often a skirt. I used tanning beds for several years back then too. Most people who know me now are in shock when I tell them this or if they see an old picture of me.

Ten random factoids seems like a great place to stop. Now please share something about yourself in the comments below! What do you love? Before I go, here are a few pictures of my favorite things!

Driving with the pooch!

Yummy snack! Low sugar vanilla yogurt with delicious (in-season) blueberries!

Live music! Semisonic at the Minnesota State Fair

Springtime walk with my boy

The super delicious & healthy chocolate chip cookies I made yesterday!!


Blessings, light and love,


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George October 1, 2012 - 4:28 pm

Random fact lists are the best! There is so many cool things about you that I know now! Those cookies look amazing.

Cynthia October 1, 2012 - 8:45 pm

Thank you George! I agree about the random fact lists. It’s fun to learn things about people you otherwise might not! I appreciate you taking the time to read my post and start this AWESOME day! It is so super cool and I beyond love the idea of a day of NO diabetes talk! If you lived closer I’d bring some of the cookies to a D-meetup. : )

John Manganiello October 1, 2012 - 7:31 pm

I like this idea of “No D Day!” As for me, I try and keep myself open to everything around me. I enjoy commenting and Posting on Facebook, exploring the internet, watching baseball and some other sports. TV, movies, and music are right up there too. I like meeting people, creative writing, poetry, reading, and learning to do new things. i also like traveling and comedy. I like to dress casually, and I’m not into fashion or trends. Family and friends are important to me. I love animals, Nature, and our World.

Cynthia October 1, 2012 - 8:47 pm

John, you have so many interests! This is so wonderful. I love learning more about you! This must be why you are such a happy, kind person – you are very well-rounded! I love many of the same things!

Almost Wordless Wednesday: Little diabetes advocate me! // Diabetes Light October 24, 2012 - 11:21 am

[…] sure was in there – childhood photos of me. I’ve had a few requests after writing my Random facts about me post to share a picture of my tanned preppy teenage self. That picture is to come another […]


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