Happy 3rd Birthday to Jonah, one of my Favorite Type 3’s!

by Cynthia
I turn 3 today!!

I turn 3 today!!

Three years ago today our darling dog Jonah was born in the Southern state of Kentucky. Arriving in this world as a stray, Homeward Bound Dog Rescue brought Jonah and his family up to Minnesota where they could be adopted into a loving home. At just nine weeks old we adopted this sweet little guy (on my birthday!). What a great birthday present he was. (Some cute puppy pics of Jonah to come soon in an Almost Wordless Wednesday post!).

Somehow, three years have passed already. Not a day goes by that I am not thankful for Jonah. He showers his family and everyone he meets with lots of love. He has also become a beloved member of the DOC (diabetes online community) through his appearances on Diabetes Light, offering his warmth, presence and support.

He seems especially cuddly today on his birthday—as I type this, he is pressed up next to me on the couch. I am enjoying every minute of it!

Helping Mommy write her posts for Diabetes Light.

Helping Mommy write her post for Diabetes Light.

Offering an abundance of hugs, kisses, silly antics and all-around goofiness, not a day goes by that we are not laughing and smiling because of this sweet boy. He always seems to know when an extra cuddle is needed, warming my heart in a way only he could.

I might be 3 but I still love my  Momma snuggles daily...

I might be 3 but I still love my Momma snuggles daily…

I’ve taken a small handful of pictures today to honor Jonah on his special day! (Umm. Yes, I took each of these pics today just for this post.. What can I say? I really love my boy!). One of these years on his birthday, I hope to make Jonah a special doggie birthday cake. Today he got a slice of American cheese. He did not seem to mind the compromise one bit. 🙂

Hmmm.. American cheese!

Hmmm.. American cheese!

Last week I picked out a few special things for Jonah’s 3rd birthday while at the pet store. Sweet potato dog fries (he loves these!) and an an eco-friendly toy—a large “Old Buzzard” made in India of water buffalo leather, coconut fiber and jute.

Waiting for my special birthday gifts! I can hardly contain my excitement!

Waiting for my special birthday gifts! I can hardly contain my excitement!

I LOVE my new toy!

I really LOVE my new toy!

Happy Birthday Jonah!!!


I love you so much. You are the best Type 3 pup I could ever ask for. Always coaxing a smile or laugh from me even when I may not be feeling like it. May you always feel the love I have in my heart for you.


Peace & Light,


I welcome you to join our positive community at Diabetes Light on Facebook where I share stories, pictures and fun each day for a healthy body, mind and spirit! You can also find us on Twitter @diabeteslight. I look forward to seeing you there!

You may also like these posts about Jonah:

Lessons from Jonah #1: enjoy the present moment

Lessons from Jonah #2: love is about receiving too…

Lessons from Jonah #3: How to Survive Cold Snaps

ps. Junie capitalizing on Jonah’s birthday—she is sitting in the bag I was storing Jonah’s gifts in.

Juniper Alice

Juniper Alice

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Martha Hupp March 6, 2013 - 7:40 pm

Happy Birthday, Jonah! The DOC loves you!

Cathy DeVreeze March 8, 2013 - 3:37 pm

Happy Birthday Jonah! I am glad you Momma spoiled you today! Lots of love!


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