Almost Wordless Wednesday: Spring in Minnesota

by Cynthia

I forgot to wish everyone a Happy Spring last week. Happy Spring!! (seven days late…). Sorry.. I think that I forgot because we are having a very chilly and winter-like spring here in Minnesota.

I was bundled up and shivering as I drove to visit my niece and her mom last Wednesday morning on that first day of spring. It was only 5 degrees out! The following morning it was not much warmer, only 9 degrees. It is finally warming up a bit and is actually 43 degrees out this afternoon—this is considered almost a heat wave here for us hardy Minnesotans. I went for a short walk with my husband and dog Jonah but still had to brave a lot of slippery ice and big melting puddles on the path. Jonah didn’t like getting his paws wet either and did his best to walk around the puddles. We may reach the low 50’s on Friday and Saturday before cooling back down into the 30’s and 40’s again. But I can guarantee you there will be people out in t-shirts despite all the snow.

Here are a few pictures I took today to show you what spring is like this year where I live. It is not always this cold and snowy but I guess this year spring is going out like a lion as they say! The last two pictures were taken this morning on my drive to see my homeopath for my monthly visit. It is a beautiful drive.

View from my front . 3/27/13.

View from my front step this morning.

Lake Elmo, Minnesota

Lake Elmo, Minnesota

Lake Elmo, Minnesota

Lake Elmo, Minnesota


Peace & Light,


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Minnesota Nice March 27, 2013 - 8:55 pm

Cynthia – I was released from a week in the hospital yesterday and woke up ready to get outside. It was a bit cold, but the sun and blue skies reminded me that spring is close and my heart soared. I went downtown and forgot the Macy’s flower show was going on and didn’t have my camera. So it’ll be another outing tomorrow.

Happy Easter. He is risen indeed.

Cynthia March 28, 2013 - 1:24 pm

I am so sorry to hear you were in the hospital. 🙁 Yes, spring is close despite all that snow and the cooler water… The extra sunlight has been nice. I hope you are feeling better soon. Happy Easter to you. And enjoy your outing!! 🙂

Cathy DeVreeze March 30, 2013 - 12:43 pm

It has gotten very beautiful here in the last few days. It is 50 F here. Beautiful sunshine! Love your pictures!


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