A Poem for Tuesday: Stopped Short

by Cynthia

This is a poem I wrote last month as I was treating my low after being “stopped short” and feeling a little lot frustrated. How often does diabetes stop you short of what you want to do? It sure can be irritating when it happens..

Photo Credit: theminaretonline.com

Photo Credit: theminaretonline.com

Stopped Short


You have this habit

of getting in the way

Do you realize

what a bother this is?

I finally get the discipline

and find the time

at 10pm tonight

to walk on the treadmill

To help you feel better

and your blood sugars

be more stable

But no!

You just weren’t able to cooperate,

were you?

I started feeling a little funny

so I stepped off the treadmill


Thanks diabetes!

Now after just

1.29 miles

I have to cut my walk short!

Don’t worry

orange juice & organic dried cranberries

should have you feeling good real soon

Now I just have to pick up the pieces

and continue this walk tomorrow


I’ll do it again

Just for you.


Peace & Light,


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Cathy DeVreeze March 8, 2013 - 3:31 pm

That happened to me on Sat, when I was in Ottawa on my holiday. I went swimming and just as I got out of the pool, I realized I was low. So no more swimming for me that night as I had to deal with the after effects of that low (and the rebound because I over treated.) Very frustrating!

Fabiana April 1, 2013 - 12:54 pm

Love this poem, can relate so much!


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