A picture for Diabetes Awareness Month: There’s nothing I like more!

by Cynthia

There’s not much I like more in life than volunteering my time and energy to help advocate and find a cure for diabetes. This is especially true when I’m doing so alongside my husband Jaim.

There’s nothing I like more

This picture was taken a week and half ago at the local ADA walk. Jaim and I walked on a team together, Team Tour de Cure-ageous (and no, we did not think of this clever name!).

This coming year we will be working together at recruitment events letting others know about the awesomeness of the ADA Tour de Cure and why everyone should come cycle with us on June 1, 2013. I am also starting my very first team for the 2013 ADA Tour de Cure – The Light Riders! Over the coming year we will work together to build my team and further get the word out about Tour de Cure. It’s going to be a great year!


Blessings, light and love,


I welcome you to join our positive community at Diabetes Light on Facebook! You can also find us on Twitter @diabeteslight. I look forward to seeing you there!

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