The Gift: A Lenten Drama (featuring a T1 & her T3)

by Cynthia

Greetings! I am back after a long and busy month that took me away from my writing. It has been a stressful time – but I made it through! And I have some big (good) news to share with you that I will be writing about soon! Isn’t it wonderful in life when there is some sweetness after a time of hardship? I’m happy to be back on the saddle again! Happy Spring to you!

Jaim & I as Nicodemus and Mary Magdalene

A year ago March I was asked by the worship & music director at my husband Jaim’s church to play a part in a Lenten skit. There was to be one skit each week for the 6 weeks leading up to Easter. I was asked to play the role of Mary Magdalene. I had taken an acting class in high school and another one in college. Acting was something I loved to do. Without any actual theater performance experience under my belt, I agreed to help out (and I was a little excited to dust off a few of my classroom-learned acting skills from 15+ years ago!). The man assigned for the male part did not work out. In need of another male to take his place, I thought of just the person. My husband Jaim! With no previous acting experience, he reluctantly agreed to help after much coaxing. After all, we would be able to rehearse and practice lines together! He was to play the role of Nicodemus.

We had just a few weeks to prepare. We met with the director (a professional voice over artist & actor with previous acting experience in Hollywood) a handful of times and spent many hours memorizing about 7 pages of script. With gentle coaching from the director, Jaim gradually become more comfortable expressing the emotions necessary for the character of Nicodemus. While comfortable expressing Mary Magdalene’s emotions, my difficulty came with the script.

On a drive home from a marriage retreat 5 hours away in Green Bay, Wisconsin we rehearsed our lines over and over. This was no easy task for me — I had never memorized this much before! Jaim on the other hand quickly memorized his lines. I attributed his ability to easily memorize on the fact that he is a musician and has memorized many songs on his guitar over the years. I had fun overhearing Jaim rehearse his lines to himself around the house.

I wish so much that the video you are about to watch was a recording of the final performance. Unfortunately, it is not. At the time of this actual recording, I had just barely memorized my lines. This video was made for the folks attending the noon service.

Our live skit was performed the following week during the evening service. I finally had my lines memorized well and was told it was a much better performance than the earlier recorded version you are about to see. During the live performance (not this video), my blood sugar became low moments before we got on stage. I downed a drink box and (not thinking clearly) turned off my pump causing a rebound a little later that evening. However, the feelings and emotion created by having a low blood sugar seconds before we went on stage created an emotion-filled opening scene.

Last year I shared this video with just a few close family members and friends. This year I thought I’d share it here on my blog. Maybe a few of you might enjoy seeing it? At 11 minutes, I am aware it gets a little long. I recommend watching until the end if possible. There is a powerful reading at the conclusion of our 8 minute skit. (The reader is a well-known actor/radio announcer/voice over professional and the director’s father!)

A few notes: The church and altar where this was filmed is where Jaim and I professed our wedding vows a little over 4 years ago! A member of the church generously volunteered his time to do the filming, editing and composing of the music in the drama. Each person involved with the skits volunteered their time — to help bring the moments surrounding Jesus’ death a little more real in our minds and hearts by envisioning what the conversations might have looked and sounded like by those living at the time.

I hope you enjoy this Lenten drama performed by none other than a Type 1 and her Type 3! Happy Easter season and Holy Week to you and your families!!

Here is a link to the video! (The scene begins with Mary Magdalene and Nicodemus witnessing Jesus on the cross for the first time).


Blessings, light and love,


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Your Questions About Blood Sugar Spikes | Healthy Silicone Valley May 21, 2012 - 7:38 pm

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