How do we see ourselves: trapped or free?

by Cynthia
atmtx /Foter

“All living things respond physically to the way they think reality is. Dr. Deepak Chopra, an authority on consciousness and medicine, uses the example of flies placed in a jar with a lid on top. But once the lid is removed, they will not leave the jar except for a few brave pioneers. The rest of the flies have made a “commitment to their bodyminds” that they are trapped. It has been shown that in aquariums if two schools of fish are separated with a glass partition for a certain amount of time, the fish will not swim into each other’s space even after the partition is removed.”  – Dr. Christiane Northrup  (“Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom,” p. 39)

What thoughts do you have about your reality? Do you ever feel defeated by one high blood sugar, etc and let the rest of your day be defined by it — becoming trapped? Let us move beyond whatever limiting beliefs we may currently have toward ourselves. Let us strive to be “brave pioneers” in our lives and make a commitment to health.

Blessings, light and love,


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1 comment

Natalie January 27, 2012 - 11:03 am

Yes!!! This is so complicated and yet so easy! Our own reality can either set us free or become our own jail cell!


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