by Cynthia

Four years ago today on December 16, 2011, Diabetes Light: My holistic journey to health began with a blog post about the benefits of coconut oil! Although I definitely felt divinely called to start a holistic blog sharing my story, I was actually in a challenging academic program at the time and procrastinating. Lol. Little did I know I would still be blogging 4 years later and that it would still bring me so much joy every day! I love finding interesting articles and inspiration to share with you on the blog’s Facebook page, and when I have time, blogging and sharing some of the stories of my life.

IMG_4454-1There is not much I am more passionate about than helping others. Whether it is rattling off facts from one of the many articles or books I’ve read, classes I’ve attended or podcasts I’ve listened to or sharing my personal stories as a woman doing her best to live a full and meaningful life despite the challenges of multiple autoimmune conditions. My hope is that along the way I provide some encouragement and inspiration or at the very least allow others to know they are not alone. Living with invisible chronic health conditions can be very isolating and painful.

I would like to take a moment to thank you for being here. I wouldn’t still be around 4 years later if it weren’t for you! Amazingly there are still a handful of the original members of our Facebook community with us and each week new people find the blog and join us. Your support, presence and encouragement mean more to me than you could ever know. You have allowed me and my blogging to grow and change over the years as I heal and find my way and this is a very beautiful thing. Sharing my voice with the world is part of my calling and you help make it possible by taking interest!

I have some exciting blog posts and recipes coming up in the new year. And I’ll be trying to share my story a bit more with the world too by writing some guest blog posts. One I’m really looking forward to is sharing my story with Hypothyroid Mom! With three quarters of a million fans (750,000!), I was on cloud nine for weeks after she read my story and asked me to write an article to share with her community. Watch for it in the first quarter of 2016.

Also in the new year, my blog name will be changing! The new name will be more reflective of the woman I have become and will be without a disease name in the title! Much more fitting as we are way more than the conditions we live with — even on those days they swamp us and leave us feeling down and blue.

Well, thanks again for being such a special part of my life. Blogging takes a lot of time and energy but sharing my fruits with each of you makes it so much fun and all worth it. You can definitely know you are in community with someone who understands the challenges but doesn’t give up the fight. And for those who feel supported by this, everyone in the Diabetes Light community is in my prayers each and every day. I always wish the best for you and send you light, love, peace and joy.

If I could ask one special favor of you… If you enjoy what I do here at Diabetes Light, please share about my blog with your friends and family. Invite them to join our community on Facebook. This is a holistic lifestyle blog where I share what I learn and experience as I focus on feeling the best I possibly can through real food nutrition, healthy lifestyle habits and holistic therapies. It is applicable to most everyone, chronic health condition or not, with a focus on the health of body, mind, heart and spirit. Thanks and take care.

In Peace & Light,


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