Carrots and Raisins: A Lesson in Empathy

by Cynthia

Miss KToo cute. A Mom of a T1 contacted me (due to my food intolerances) to ask what would be a good gluten and nut free pre-packaged snack to bring for treat day at her daughter’s school. As I have made a conscious choice to cut way back on processed food, I was at a loss of what to suggest that wouldn’t cost an arm and a leg. I assumed that the gluten and nut free treats were for her 12 year old Type 1 daughter — I was informed otherwise. Her daughter is just fine but there are two other kids in class – one who cannot eat gluten and another who cannot eat nuts. This sweet T1 girl said, “The other kids bring in things like cupcakes for all, and the girl who is on a gluten free diet doesn’t get anything…” Not wanting for any child to feel left out, she worked with her mom to find a safe snack that everyone could enjoy. Eventually deciding on individual bags of carrots and little boxes of raisins for each child. Perfect!

I was just so touched by her heart. Diabetes is really a challenging and at times unbearable condition that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. But… this is a perfect example of how diabetes can change even the littlest of souls. And help us be better people — kinder and more considerate of others and their needs because of the pain and struggles we’ve endured. I wanted to share this touching story with you to remind you that there is beauty in the struggles. Love despite the pain.

Bless this young T1’s heart and all the little T1’s out there who are learning what the true meaning of empathy is and are truly wise beyond their years. 

*Thank you to the mother who graciously allowed me to share her story and provided me with this sweet picture.

**Story originally published on the Facebook page for Diabetes Light.

In Peace, Light & Health,


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