Just Celebrating Me & 26 years of D!

by Cynthia

We all know diabetes can be a lot of work. Many of us might not be too far away from our last frustrating moment with it (mine was this morning..). That is why I like to celebrate me when my diabetes anniversary rolls around. I take time to recognize all that I do each day to stay healthy body, mind and spirit with this often challenging condition.

Just a few days ago on Wednesday, February 13th I celebrated my 26th year of living with Type 1 diabetes. Last year for my 25th anniversary, I threw myself a big party and ended up having over 30 friends and family come celebrate with me on my special day (post still to come on this!).

This year I had another idea in mind. Eating breakfast with my sweetie at my favorite cafe—the Birchwood Cafe! While celebrating on my actual anniversary would have been ideal, this did not happen for a handful of reasons. It didn’t work out the following morning on Valentine’s Day either, but thank goodness we were able to go yesterday!

My celebration did not come without sacrifice. You see, anyone that knows me well knows I am NOT an up and out the door kind of gal by 8:00 am. I could probably count on 2 hands how many times I have gotten up and out the door this early in the last 5 years! (despite the time I spent working at a temp job that is..). 🙂 But a celebration of me & my D at my favorite cafe was well worth the sacrifice of leaving my warm bed and cuddly cats at 6:30 am as the alarm went off.

I have put together a photo journey of my diabetes anniversary celebration yesterday. Here it is…

We pulled up by 8:30 am yesterday on this cold February morning. Unexpectedly yet swiftly, we moved through the morning rush hour traffic to arrive at our destination, the Birchwood Cafe. I was all smiles. The Birchwood is one of the best “Good Real Food” places to eat in town with every ingredient locally sourced and organic.

Birchwood Cafe

Birchwood Cafe

Here is another reason this is one of my favorite places. With a bakery case full of yummy homemade baked goods, they never forget about people with food allergies like me. Yay!

Delicious gluten, corn & nut free homemade vegan baked donuts.

Delicious gluten, corn & nut free homemade vegan baked donuts.

We ordered at the counter then waited for our food to arrive at our table. And arrive it did. Yum!


Veggie Omelet, potatoes, homemade gluten free toast w/jam and a fruit garnish.

Before we eat, we like to pray and give thanks for our meal. Yesterday was no exception. This meal of celebration and time together was especially important to be thankful for.

Giving thanks with my sweetie.

Giving thanks with my sweetie.

We talked. We laughed and we shared. It was a lovely morning to celebrate with my sweetie. Breakfast and this time together were every bit as special as I knew it would be. My heart was happy.

Great morning with my sweetie!

Great morning with my sweetie!

We took some time after our meal to enjoy each other’s company and our hot beverages— so delicious and nurturing on a cold winter morning. Me with my mug of herbal Peace tea and Jaim with his medium roast coffee. Boy did I begin to feel old. I remembered as a child when my parents would sit around the restaurant drinking their coffee after our meals were finished. My brother, sister and I couldn’t wait to get home! I disliked it very much.

Herbal Peace Tea.

Herbal Peace Tea.

I may or may not have picked up a piece of this beautiful and delicious gluten free cherry filled chocolate cake to celebrate with later at home. (Hint: I believe we need to spoil ourselves sometimes!)

Cherry filled Chocolate cake. Gluten free.

Cherry filled Chocolate cake. Gluten free.

Some cute artwork on the painting behind us that Jaim thought looked like our dog Jonah.

Jonah look a like?

Jonah look a like?

Mission accomplished. Happy D! 🙂

Mission accomplished. Happy D! :)

Mission accomplished. Happy D! 🙂

How do you celebrate your diabetes anniversary? I highly recommend taking this one day a year (if not more!) to honor and recognize yourself for all of the hard work you do to keep yourself healthy and happy. Pick out your favorite restaurant or place to go (museum, park or maybe a movie?) and savor every moment knowing what a good job you do 365 days a year.

You may also like: Today I celebrate 26 years! 

Peace & Light,


I welcome you to join our positive community at Diabetes Light on Facebook where I share stories, pictures and fun each day for a healthy body, mind and spirit! You can also find us on Twitter @diabeteslight. I look forward to seeing you there!

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Matheus Felipe March 12, 2013 - 2:52 pm

I do not speak very much English, but I can understand and read some posts on this site made ​​me happy to know I’m not alone in this battle. Cheers to you and would love to continue talking more often! I’m Brazilian also with Type 1 Diabetes…

Cynthia March 12, 2013 - 2:58 pm

Hello Mattheus! So nice to hear from you! Thank you for your message. You are surely not alone. 🙂 I would love to keep in touch with you! Please join the Facebook community for my blog (by ‘liking’ the page). I am there everyday sharing and communicating with our members. You can also “follow” my blog so when new posts are published, you get a copy in your email inbox. Just click follow on the homepage. And you can use google translator to translate into English! Here is a link to my Facebook page!


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